A great way to plan ahead and save money over the course of a year is to participate in an FSA. An FSA lets you redirect a portion of your salary on a pretax basis into a reimbursement account, saving you money on taxes. Each year that you would like to participate in the FSAs, you must elect the amount you want to contribute.

AlphaSense offers two types of FSAs that can help you save on a pretax basis for out-of-pocket expenses.

To view a list of HSA eligible expenses, visit www.cigna.com/individuals-families/member-guide/eligible-expenses

Healthcare Flexible Spending Account

The healthcare FSA lets you set aside up to $3,200 for 2024 and $3,300 for 2025 to pay for medical expenses that are not covered by your health, vision or dental plans, including deductibles, copays, coinsurance, and so on.

You have access to the money you elect to contribute on day one. For example, if you have a large expense early in the year and you want to use the full amount you’ve elected to contribute for the year (even before that money is in your account), you can.

You will receive a debit card that gives you convenient, instant access to the money in your account. Once you enroll in the Flexible Spending Account, it will be mailed to your home within 10-14 business days.

When you have expenses to be reimbursed, simply use your Cigna FSA Card or submit a claim form along with a bill or itemized receipt from the provider. Be sure to keep all receipts to substantiate that your pre-tax funds were used for eligible expenses in the event of an audit.

2024 Rollover Benefits – The maximum contribution for the healthcare flexible spending account is $3,200 for 2024 per household. This is a use-it-or-lose-it account, meaning any funds remaining in the account following the close of the plan year will be forfeited. All services must be incurred from Jan. 1, 2024, through Dec. 31, 2024. Claims must be submitted by March 31, 2025. Our plan has a carryover feature that allows up to $640 of your unused funds to be carried forward to the following plan year. These carryover dollars can be used for expenses incurred at any point within the new plan year. Any unused amount over $640 will be lost 2024.

2025 Rollover Benefits – The maximum contribution for the healthcare flexible spending account is $3,300 for 2025 per household. This is a use-it-or-lose-it account, meaning any funds remaining in the account following the close of the plan year will be forfeited. All services must be incurred from Jan. 1, 2025, through Dec. 31, 2025. Claims must be submitted by March 31, 2026. Our plan has a carryover feature that allows up to $660 of your unused funds to be carried forward to the following plan year. These carryover dollars can be used for expenses incurred at any point within the new plan year. Any unused amount over $660 will be lost 2025.


If you are contributing to an HSA through AlphaSense or through your spouse’s plan, you are not eligible to participate in the healthcare FSA.

Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account

Dependent care FSAs allow you to set aside money pretax to pay eligible out-of-pocket child care expenses for your eligible children and elder care expenses for eligible dependent adults so that you or your spouse can work or attend school full-time. You must contribute money through payroll deduction to your dependent care FSA before you can spend it.

You must decide how much to set aside for this account. You may contribute up to $5,000* if you are filing jointly and/or by household, or up to $2,500* if you are married and file separate tax returns.

  • Elder care expenses
  • Child day care
  • After-school care
  • Babysitting (work-related, in your home or someone else’s home)*
  • Babysitting by your relative who is not a tax dependent (work-related)*
  • Nanny or au pair
  • Custodial elder care
  • Transportation to and from eligible care (provided by your care provider)

* To be eligible for Dependent Care FSA reimbursement, the babysitter must claim their earnings as income. For tax filing purposes, you are required to provide the babysitter’s name, address and taxpayer identification number. In cases where the care provider is an individual, the taxpayer identification number is his/her social security number.

  • Babysitting (not work-related, for other purpose)
  • Babysitting by your tax dependent (work-related or for other purpose)
  • Custodial elder care (not work-related, for other purpose)
  • Dance lessons, piano lessons or sports lessons
  • Educational, learning or study skills services for child(ren)
  • Household services (housekeeper, maid, cook, etc.)

Ready to enroll?

Visit Workday, our enrollment site, to learn more and enroll in your benefits.